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Tag: How does the performance of this business process or workflow contribute to the organization’s competitiveness?

Enhancing Patient Throughput

Enhancing Patient Throughput Identify an essential business process or workflow in your organization that needs improvement. How does the performance of this business process or workflow contribute to the organization’s competitiveness? What metrics are currently used (or should be used)…

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Enhancing Patient Throughput

Enhancing Patient Throughput Identify an essential business process or workflow in your organization that needs improvement. How does the performance of this business process or workflow contribute to the organization’s competitiveness? What metrics are currently used (or should be used)…

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Enhancing Patient Throughput

Enhancing Patient Throughput Identify an essential business process or workflow in your organization that needs improvement. How does the performance of this business process or workflow contribute to the organization’s competitiveness? What metrics are currently used (or should be used)…

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