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Strategies for EBP

Strategies for EBP Review the Resources and reflect on the various strategies presented throughout the course that may be helpful in disseminating effective and widely cited EBP. APA Throughout the course on Evidence-Based Practice (EBP), several strategies have been presented…

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Laparoscopic Surgery Contraindications

Laparoscopic Surgery Contraindications What are the contraindications to laparoscopic surgery? Is pregnancy a contraindication to laparoscopic surgery? APA Laparoscopic surgery, while minimally invasive and beneficial in many cases, does have certain contraindications. These contraindications may arise from patient-specific factors, underlying…

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Guiding Nursing Theories

Guiding Nursing Theories Which theory(ies) would you consider for your NP practice? APA For a Nurse Practitioner (NP) practice, several nursing theories and models can be considered to guide and enhance patient care. Here are a few theories that are…

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Global Health Challenges

ACA and Healthcare Quality

ACA and Healthcare Quality Discuss how the ACA helps improve health care quality. APA 1. Coverage Expansion and Access to Care Medicaid Expansion: The ACA provided funding for states to expand Medicaid coverage to more low-income individuals and families. This…

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Functions of Effective Management

Functions of Effective Management Define management in your own words, based on your understanding from the background materials. Highlight the key responsibilities and functions of management, focusing on organizational processes, resource allocation, and operational efficiency. APA Management is the systematic…

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Operational Receivables Impact

Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating

Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Identify one evidence-based suicide risk assessment that you could use to screen patients. APA One evidence-based suicide risk assessment that is widely used is the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS). Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) Overview: The…

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Boosting Team Efficiency

Data Collection: Surveys

Data Collection: Surveys Discuss examples of a data collection method (surveys, interviews, focus groups, etc.) APA Surveys are a widely used data collection method that involves asking participants a series of questions to gather information on specific topics or variables.…

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Economic Justice and Black Women

Economic Justice and Black Women Describe Adrienne Marie Brown’s main points in “Fuck You, Pay Me.” Write 200-300 words. APA Adrienne Marie Brown’s essay “Fuck You, Pay Me” addresses the intersection of feminism, race, and economics, focusing on the exploitation…

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