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Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence – 700 word story about how students should be able to use chatgpt according to academic honesty standards. In a world where technology had advanced beyond imagination, students had access to a new learning tool known as ChatGPT.…

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Public transportation

700 word story about people looking down on those who use public transportation even though it’s safer and more accesible. Why is public transportation not available for college students who go out at night. APA In today’s world, there is…

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Policy revision evaluation

What is a policy revision evaluation? APA is a process of assessing the effectiveness and impact of a revised policy. It involves reviewing the changes made to the policy, analyzing the intended outcomes, and evaluating the actual outcomes achieved after…

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Consequences of communication

Consequences of communication. strengths and weaknesses associated with your style of communication. APA Consequences of communication -Communication is the process of exchanging information, ideas, thoughts, and feelings between individuals or groups. Effective communication is crucial for building relationships, understanding different…

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Changes in organisation

Changes in organisation-All organizations go through change. Why is change an important part of an organization, and why do you think the strategies used during the transition are also important? Discuss your thoughts with your classmates and back up any…

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What is a conspiracy, and what are the three forms that it can take? How do they differ, one type from the other, especially how do they differ with respect to the knowledge each member of the conspiracy has of…

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Advanced practice nurses

How does the advanced practice nurses use a systems and quantum approach in care delivery and leadership? Advanced practice nurses (APNs) can use a systems and quantum approach in care delivery and leadership to enhance patient care outcomes and promote…

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Clinical experience

Describe your clinical experience for this week. Did you face any challenges, any success? If so, what were they? Describe the assessment of a patient, detailing the signs and symptoms (S&S), assessment, plan of care, and at least 3 possible…

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How does the advanced practice nurse use a systems and quantum approach in care delivery and leadership? Nursing APA Advanced practice nurses (APNs) can use a systems and quantum approach in care delivery and leadership to achieve a more comprehensive…

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