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Applying Kant’s CI

Applying Kant’s CI What is the “CI” Procedure? Can you construct an example to explain it? APA The “CI” Procedure refers to the process of applying Kant’s Categorical Imperative (CI) to determine the moral permissibility of an action. It involves…

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The Moral Categorical Imperative

The Moral Categorical Imperative What is the difference between a hypothetical imperative and categorical imperative? Which does Kant thinks is essential to morality and why? APA Difference Between Hypothetical Imperative and Categorical Imperative Hypothetical Imperative: Definition: A hypothetical imperative is…

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The Concept of Duty

The Concept of Duty Why does Kant investigate the idea of “duty”? APA Kant investigates the idea of “duty” because it forms the foundation of his moral philosophy, providing a basis for determining the moral worth of actions independent of…

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Kant’s Moral Framework

Kant’s Moral Framework What is Kant’s Categorical Imperative & what is a “maxim”? APA Kant’s Categorical Imperative Kant’s Categorical Imperative is a central concept in his ethical philosophy, outlined in his work “Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals” (1785) and…

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Objections to Utilitarianism

Objections to Utilitarianism What are some objections to Utilitarianism? APA Objections to Utilitarianism Problem of Justice and Rights: Objection: Utilitarianism may justify violating individual rights or treating individuals unfairly if it maximizes overall utility. Criticism: Critics argue that utilitarianism fails…

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Comparing Consequentialist Ethical Theories

Comparing Consequentialist Ethical Theories What is the difference between the three consequentialist theories: Utilitarianism, Altruism, Egoism? APA Differences Between Consequentialist Theories: Utilitarianism, Altruism, Egoism Utilitarianism: Focus: Maximizes overall happiness or utility for the greatest number of individuals affected by an…

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Mill’s Qualitative Hedonism

Mill’s Qualitative Hedonism What were the two parts of Mill’s theory qualitative hedonism? APA Pleasure and Pain: Mill’s theory posits that not all pleasures are equal; some are of higher quality or more desirable than others. Similarly, some pains are…

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Operational Receivables Impact

Understanding Prudential Reasoning

Understanding Prudential Reasoning What do philosophers mean by prudential reason? APA Prudential Reason Prudential reason refers to the process of practical reasoning or decision-making that focuses on what is advantageous or beneficial for oneself or others in terms of practical…

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