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GCU Principles in Practice

GCU Principles in Practice What principles from GCU’s mission, vision, and Christian mission that you read about in Chapter 2 of the University Success Guide in this week’s readings can you implement in your career, personal or spiritual life? APA…

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Hyperkalemia Risk Factors

Hyperkalemia Risk Factors The use of salt substitutes can cause hyperkalemia in older adults when use in conjunction with what types of drugs? APA The use of salt substitutes can cause hyperkalemia in older adults when used in conjunction with…

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Mitigation vs. Elimination

Mitigation vs. Elimination Explain the difference between mitigation and elimination of risk. APA Mitigation and elimination of risk are two different strategies in risk management: Mitigation: Purpose: Reduce the impact or likelihood of a risk. Approach: Implement measures that lessen…

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Boosting Team Efficiency

Building Collaboration in STEM

Building Collaboration in STEM Collaboration is a much-needed skill in the 21st century workplace. Describe the steps you will take to encourage and foster an environment of collaboration in your STEM classroom. APA Encouraging collaboration in a STEM classroom requires…

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Building Strong Relationships

Building Strong Relationships Describe in 200-250 words how you form effective interpersonal relationships with others in individual and group settings. APA Forming effective interpersonal relationships, whether in individual or group settings, begins with active listening and empathy. I make an…

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Nursing Interventions for Aging

Nursing Interventions for Aging Develop nursing interventions based on the psychosocial issues and biologic changes associated with older adulthood. APA Nursing Interventions for Psychosocial Issues and Biological Changes in Older Adulthood As individuals age, they experience biological changes and psychosocial…

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Scapegoat in Families

Scapegoat in Families According to Family Systems Theory when boundaries are not healthy, there are six maladaptive survival roles. Select one of these roles and describe its function within the family system and why it may have evolved. APA One…

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Aging: Biological, Sociological, Psychological

Aging: Biological, Sociological, Psychological Define aging from biologic, sociologic, and psychological theories. APA Aging from a biological perspective refers to the progressive decline in physiological functions and cellular structures over time. It encompasses: Cellular Senescence: Gradual deterioration and loss of…

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Irish-American Alcoholism Causes

Irish-American Alcoholism Causes List at least two etiological reasons for the development of alcoholism within an Irish-American family. APA Etiological Reasons for Alcoholism in Irish-American Families Genetic Predisposition Studies suggest that alcohol dependence has a hereditary component, with specific genes…

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Supportive Recovery Communities

Supportive Recovery Communities How does Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) benefit the client? Include personal reflections after hearing of stories or experiences from your meeting attendance.  APA Benefits of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) 1. Community…

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