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Decision-making models

Decision-making models-A variety of models for making decisions are available. Three of these models are paternalistic, informative, and shared decision making. Discuss the pros and cons of each of these models and the problems that are best suited for the…

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Impact of Substance Abuse

Impact of Substance Abuse-You are a Drug Treatment Specialist for Wayne County, Michigan. You work specifically as the intake coordinator for the adolescent and adult drug and alcohol treatment programs. In order to develop and implement individualized treatment plans, you…

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Household division

Choose a household with which you are intimately familiar. Describe in detail (2 paragraphs) the division of labor in that household integrating relevant course materials into your description and analysis. NOTE: Should be 2 paragraphs long 6-9 sentences each paragraph.…

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Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing-why do marketers need to care about social media APA Marketers need to care about social media because it has become a crucial part of modern-day communication and interaction. Social media platforms offer a vast reach, with billions…

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Smoking cessation

Smoking cessation continues to be a leading modifiable risk factor for cardiorespiratory and total body wellness. Many options, such as e-cigarettes and vaping, have come to the forefront as cessation alternatives, but studies on safety are lacking. As a healthcare…

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Patient services value

Patient services value Explain the meaning of value-added service as it pertains to patient care services, and argue the major reasons why it matters to add value to patient services. Justify your response. Recommend a system for identifying the functional…

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Mental health

Mental health Instructions Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) has been found in a high percentage of professional athletes as a result of repetitive head injuries. Research CTE and its effects. Instructions: 1. Your assignment must be of minimum of 400 words,…

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