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Utilitarian Ethical Theory

Apply Utilitarian ethical theory to the issue of abortion, and in particular apply the following three principles and concepts to that issue: The Principle of Utility, the concept of self-regarding conduct, and the concept of other-regarding conduct. Do you agree…

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Educational Deficits

Evaluate a scenario describing a student with educational deficits indicated on an assessment result with normative data.  What interventions and evidenced-based practice would you recommend? Scenario: May be from a personal experience or fictitious.  Include the following in your case study:…

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Aristotle’s Conception of Eudemonia

In the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle concludes that eudemonia, or human flourishing (translated as “happiness” in our text) is the highest good. Describe Aristotle’s conception of eudemonia (“happiness”). Next, describe Aristotle’s conceptions of the human function, the rational part of the…

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Digital Literacy in STEM

Digital Literacy in STEM 1. One aspect of STEM instruction is to create relevancy and real-world application. How can you ensure that instruction and learning activities are relevant to students? What strategies will you use to create relevancy and real-world…

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Student’s assessment

1. Student’s assessment How will you accommodate and differentiate assessments for students? What challenges present themselves in making accommodations and differentiating to meet the diverse needs of all students? APA FORMAT 2.  Discuss how summative and formative assessments are different…

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Disciplinary Model

Disciplinary Model Two paragraphs with at least 100 words per paragraph explaining the following which should include a reference for each individual paragraph. 1.  If you had to share three of your biggest take-aways from this course related to STEM cross-curricular…

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Gutstein 3Cs Model

Gutstein 3Cs Model Use the edTPA Task 2 Rubrics document (available in the Module Content) to assign a score for Rubrics 6-9. Provide a justification for your score. (While the video might seem too short to assign scores for these rubrics,…

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Women’s Equity Issues

Compare and contrast two key women’s equity issues(political representation food sovereignty and Education). Choose the two that you are most intrigued by. Certainly, let’s compare and contrast two key women’s equity issues: political representation and education. APA Political representation pertains…

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Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence Based on the resources please reflect and answer the following question. (Be sure to exhibit careful thought and logical reasoning in your reflection response.) APA According to Goleman, what are the components of emotional intelligence? What benefits might…

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