Kant’s CI Procedure

  1. What is the “CI” Procedure? Can you construct an example to explain it?


Kant's CI Procedure

The “CI” procedure refers to Kant’s Categorical Imperative, a fundamental principle in his ethical philosophy for determining the morality of actions. Here’s a step-by-step outline of the procedure with an example:

CI Procedure
  1. Formulate the Maxim: Identify the maxim, which is the subjective principle or intention behind the action. For example, “I will borrow money and promise to repay, knowing I cannot.”
  2. Universalize the Maxim: Consider whether the maxim can be consistently applied as a universal law that everyone could follow in similar situations.
  3. Test for Contradictions:
    • Contradiction in Conception: Determine if the maxim can be conceived as a universal law without logical contradiction. In our example, if everyone were to borrow money with the intention of not repaying, the concept of borrowing would collapse as lenders would no longer trust borrowers, rendering borrowing meaningless.
    • Contradiction in Will: Assess if you could rationally will the universal adoption of the maxim. Would you still want to borrow money if everyone else operated under the same principle of not repaying?…

The “CI” procedure refers to Kant’s Categorical Imperative, a fundamental principle in his ethical philosophy for determining the morality of actions. Here’s a step-by-step outline of the procedure with an example:

CI Procedure
  1. Formulate the Maxim: Identify the maxim, which is the subjective principle or intention behind the action. For example, “I will borrow money and promise to repay, knowing I cannot.”
  2. Universalize the Maxim: Consider whether the maxim can be consistently applied as a universal law that everyone could follow in similar situations.
  3. Test for Contradictions:
    • Contradiction in Conception: Determine if the maxim can be conceived as a universal law without logical contradiction. In our example, if everyone were to borrow money with the intention of not repaying, the concept of borrowing would collapse as lenders would no longer trust borrowers, rendering borrowing meaningless.
    • Contradiction in Will: Assess if you could rationally will the universal adoption of the maxim. Would you still want to borrow money if everyone else operated under the same principle of not repaying?…