Six Thinking Hats

Identify a problem-solving technique or method you haveused in a previous situation and explain how it worked foryou. Identify how these methods might look different indiverse cultures or different fields of work.


Six Thinking Hats
Problem-Solving Technique: The Six Thinking Hats

Overview of the Technique

The Six Thinking Hats method, developed by Edward de Bono, is a structured approach to problem-solving and decision-making. It involves looking at a problem from different perspectives, represented by six colored hats:

  1. White Hat: Focuses on data and information. What do we know? What do we need to know?
  2. Red Hat: Expresses feelings and emotions. What are our intuitions and gut feelings about the issue?
  3. Black Hat: Considers the negative aspects and potential risks. What could go wrong?
  4. Yellow Hat: Looks at the positive side and benefits. What are the advantages?…
Problem-Solving Technique: The Six Thinking Hats

Overview of the Technique

The Six Thinking Hats method, developed by Edward de Bono, is a structured approach to problem-solving and decision-making. It involves looking at a problem from different perspectives, represented by six colored hats:

  1. White Hat: Focuses on data and information. What do we know? What do we need to know?
  2. Red Hat: Expresses feelings and emotions. What are our intuitions and gut feelings about the issue?
  3. Black Hat: Considers the negative aspects and potential risks. What could go wrong?
  4. Yellow Hat: Looks at the positive side and benefits. What are the advantages?…


Problem-Solving Technique: The Six Thinking Hats

Overview of the Technique

The Six Thinking Hats method, developed by Edward de Bono, is a structured approach to problem-solving and decision-making. It involves looking at a problem from different perspectives, represented by six colored hats:

  1. White Hat: Focuses on data and information. What do we know? What do we need to know?
  2. Red Hat: Expresses feelings and emotions. What are our intuitions and gut feelings about the issue?
  3. Black Hat: Considers the negative aspects and potential risks. What could go wrong?
  4. Yellow Hat: Looks at the positive side and benefits. What are the advantages?…