Women’s Roles: Colonial to Revolutionary

1. Discuss one continuity or difference you see in women’s lives in the Revolutionary Era versus the Colonial Era. Specify which women/group of women you are discussing


Women's Roles: Colonial to Revolutionary

One significant continuity in the lives of women from the Colonial Era to the Revolutionary Era is their role in managing household responsibilities, though the context and implications of these responsibilities evolved.

Colonial Era: During the Colonial Era, women, particularly those in agrarian communities, were primarily responsible for managing the household. This included tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and caring for children. Women also contributed to the family economy through activities like spinning, weaving, and maintaining gardens. Their roles were largely defined by the needs of their immediate family and community…

One significant continuity in the lives of women from the Colonial Era to the Revolutionary Era is their role in managing household responsibilities, though the context and implications of these responsibilities evolved.

Colonial Era: During the Colonial Era, women, particularly those in agrarian communities, were primarily responsible for managing the household. This included tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and caring for children. Women also contributed to the family economy through activities like spinning, weaving, and maintaining gardens. Their roles were largely defined by the needs of their immediate family and community…

One significant continuity in the lives of women from the Colonial Era to the Revolutionary Era is their role in managing household responsibilities, though the context and implications of these responsibilities evolved. Women’s Roles: Colonial to Revolutionary

Colonial Era: During the Colonial Era, women, particularly those in agrarian communities, were primarily responsible for managing the household. This included tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and caring for children. Women also contributed to the family economy through activities like spinning, weaving, and maintaining gardens. Their roles were largely defined by the needs of their immediate family and community…