Evidence and Discovery Process

Documentary Evidence & the Right of Discovery. Describe the difference between primary and secondary evidence. Also discuss the discovery process as it pertains to the trial process.


Evidence and Discovery Process
Primary vs. Secondary Evidence

Primary Evidence:

  • Definition: Primary evidence refers to the original document or object itself, which directly proves the fact in question. In legal terms, it is considered the best evidence available.
  • Example: The original signed contract in a contractual dispute or an original photograph in a case involving photographic evidence.
  • Significance: Primary evidence is preferred in court because it provides the most direct and reliable proof of the matter at hand. If primary evidence is available, secondary evidence is generally not admissible unless an exception applies.

Secondary Evidence:

  • Definition: Secondary evidence refers to copies or substitutes for the original document or object. It includes evidence that describes, summarizes, or stands in for the primary evidence…
Primary vs. Secondary Evidence

Primary Evidence:

  • Definition: Primary evidence refers to the original document or object itself, which directly proves the fact in question. In legal terms, it is considered the best evidence available.
  • Example: The original signed contract in a contractual dispute or an original photograph in a case involving photographic evidence.
  • Significance: Primary evidence is preferred in court because it provides the most direct and reliable proof of the matter at hand. If primary evidence is available, secondary evidence is generally not admissible unless an exception applies.

Secondary Evidence:

  • Definition: Secondary evidence refers to copies or substitutes for the original document or object. It includes evidence that describes, summarizes, or stands in for the primary evidence…
Primary vs. Secondary Evidence

Primary Evidence:

  • Definition: Primary evidence refers to the original document or object itself, which directly proves the fact in question. In legal terms, it is considered the best evidence available.
  • Example: The original signed contract in a contractual dispute or an original photograph in a case involving photographic evidence.
  • Significance: Primary evidence is preferred in court because it provides the most direct and reliable proof of the matter at hand. If primary evidence is available, secondary evidence is generally not admissible unless an exception applies. Evidence and Discovery Process

Secondary Evidence:

  • Definition: Secondary evidence refers to copies or substitutes for the original document or object. It includes evidence that describes, summarizes, or stands in for the primary evidence…