Layers of Soil Profiles

Describe each of the soil horizons (O, A, B, C, and R) in terms of what each contains and the physical and/or chemical processes that occur.


Layers of Soil Profiles

Soil horizons are distinct layers or zones within a soil profile, each characterized by different physical and chemical properties. Here’s an overview of each soil horizon:

  1. O Horizon (Organic Horizon):
    • Composition: This horizon consists mainly of organic matter in various stages of decomposition, such as fallen leaves, twigs, and organic debris.
    • Processes: Organic materials in the O horizon undergo decomposition by soil organisms (like fungi and bacteria). This decomposition releases nutrients into the soil, enriching it with organic compounds and forming a dark, crumbly layer known as the humus layer.
  2. A Horizon (Topsoil):
    • Composition: The A horizon is rich in organic matter mixed with mineral particles (clay, silt, and sand)…

Soil horizons are distinct layers or zones within a soil profile, each characterized by different physical and chemical properties. Here’s an overview of each soil horizon:

  1. O Horizon (Organic Horizon):
    • Composition: This horizon consists mainly of organic matter in various stages of decomposition, such as fallen leaves, twigs, and organic debris.
    • Processes: Organic materials in the O horizon undergo decomposition by soil organisms (like fungi and bacteria). This decomposition releases nutrients into the soil, enriching it with organic compounds and forming a dark, crumbly layer known as the humus layer.
  2. A Horizon (Topsoil):
    • Composition: The A horizon is rich in organic matter mixed with mineral particles (clay, silt, and sand)…

Soil horizons are distinct layers or zones within a soil profile, each characterized by different physical and chemical properties. Here’s an overview of each soil horizon:

  1. O Horizon (Organic Horizon):
    • Composition: This horizon consists mainly of organic matter in various stages of decomposition, such as fallen leaves, twigs, and organic debris.
    • Processes: Organic materials in the O horizon undergo decomposition by soil organisms (like fungi and bacteria). This decomposition releases nutrients into the soil, enriching it with organic compounds and forming a dark, crumbly layer known as the humus layer. Layers of Soil Profiles
  2. A Horizon (Topsoil):
    • Composition: The A horizon is rich in organic matter mixed with mineral particles (clay, silt, and sand)…