Network Topologies and Applications

1. Analyze and describe three network topologies and four network types in common use today.,

2. Evaluate and explain how the Internet works, including the roles of the Internet backbone, TCP/IP protocol, IP address, switches, and routers.,

3. Summarize five common Internet and Web applications.


Network Topologies and Applications

Network Topologies and Types
Three Common Network Topologies
  1. Star Topology – All devices connect to a central hub or switch, which manages data traffic. This topology is reliable because a failure in one device does not affect the rest of the network. However, if the central hub fails, the entire network goes down.
  2. Bus Topology – Devices are connected to a single backbone cable. It is cost-effective and easy to implement but prone to collisions and slow performance in large networks.
  3. Mesh Topology – Every device connects to every other device, ensuring redundancy and fault tolerance. It provides high reliability but is expensive and complex to maintain.
Four Common Network Types
  1. Local Area Network (LAN) – A network confined to a small geographical area, such as an office or home, that enables resource sharing (e.g., printers, files).
  2. Wide Area Network (WAN) – Covers a large geographical area, connecting multiple LANs via leased lines, satellite, or the Internet (e.g., corporate networks, the Internet)…
Network Topologies and Types
Three Common Network Topologies
  1. Star Topology – All devices connect to a central hub or switch, which manages data traffic. This topology is reliable because a failure in one device does not affect the rest of the network. However, if the central hub fails, the entire network goes down.
  2. Bus Topology – Devices are connected to a single backbone cable. It is cost-effective and easy to implement but prone to collisions and slow performance in large networks.
  3. Mesh Topology – Every device connects to every other device, ensuring redundancy and fault tolerance. It provides high reliability but is expensive and complex to maintain.
Four Common Network Types
  1. Local Area Network (LAN) – A network confined to a small geographical area, such as an office or home, that enables resource sharing (e.g., printers, files).
  2. Wide Area Network (WAN) – Covers a large geographical area, connecting multiple LANs via leased lines, satellite, or the Internet (e.g., corporate networks, the Internet)…