Effective Data Collection What are some things that you would keep in mind regarding data collection? APA When considering data collection for research or any project, several key aspects should be kept in mind to ensure the process is effective,…
Cash vs Accrual Accounting (1.) What are the differences between cash and accrual basis accounting? Provide an example of each., (2.) Accrual accounting requires adjusting entries. Provide an example of an adjusting entry. APA (1) Differences Between Cash and Accrual…
AI Applications in Justice Examine how AI technology is currently used in the criminal justice system for each of the following: predictive policing, recidivism risk prediction, facial recognition, and data analytics. APA AI in Criminal Justice Artificial intelligence (AI) has…
Quantitative Research Methods What are some data collection and sampling techniques that could be used in proposed quantitative study? APA In a proposed quantitative study, several data collection and sampling techniques can be employed depending on the research objectives, population…
Data-Driven Crime Technologies Examine criminal justice technologies that aid data-informed decision making and its impact on crime. APA Technologies Driving Crime Reduction Criminal justice technologies have significantly advanced data-informed decision-making, enabling law enforcement and judicial systems to address crime more…
Sentencing Reform and Incarceration There have been a number of sentencing reform proposals such as elimination of mandatory minimum sentences, the creation of problem-solving courts, and elimination of, (or creation of), sentencing guidelines. The reforms are often designed to minimize…
Procedural Fairness Promotes Equity Choose one of the five ways that social equity can be achieved according to the Svara reading and explain how this concept can be seen in a public setting Describe how the concept you selected addresses…
Maintaining Christian Identity Select a subculture within US culture, perhaps one that you are a part of such as a religious group, ethnic group, social club, etc. Discuss how this subculture erects and maintains its symbolic boundaries. APA As a…
Crime Scene Documentation Essentials Documentation is an important form of crime scene work. What are the different forms of documentation? What are the types of photographs needed in documenting crime scenes? Why sketches are an important form of documenting crime…
Legal Theories in Practice What legal theory do you use in your personal and professional life? Which theory do you believe informs administrative law? APA Legal Theory in Personal and Professional Life In personal and professional contexts, natural law and…