Lysosomes: Cellular Waste Management

  1. What is the normal function of Lysosomes?
  2. What are the monomers of the Hexosaminidase A enzyme?


Lysosomes: Cellular Waste Management

  1. Normal Function of Lysosomes: Lysosomes are organelles within cells that serve as the “digestive system.” Their primary function is to break down and recycle cellular waste materials, such as damaged organelles, proteins, and foreign substances (like bacteria or viruses). They contain enzymes that can digest these materials, maintaining cellular health and promoting recycling of biomolecules.
  2. Monomers of Hexosaminidase A Enzyme: Hexosaminidase A is composed of two types of subunits or monomers:
    • Alpha subunit (α): This subunit is encoded by the HEXA gene located on chromosome 15. It contains the catalytic site for enzyme activity…


  1. Normal Function of Lysosomes: Lysosomes are organelles within cells that serve as the “digestive system.” Their primary function is to break down and recycle cellular waste materials, such as damaged organelles, proteins, and foreign substances (like bacteria or viruses). They contain enzymes that can digest these materials, maintaining cellular health and promoting recycling of biomolecules.
  2. Monomers of Hexosaminidase A Enzyme: Hexosaminidase A is composed of two types of subunits or monomers:
    • Alpha subunit (α): This subunit is encoded by the HEXA gene located on chromosome 15. It contains the catalytic site for enzyme activity…


  1. Normal Function of Lysosomes: Lysosomes are organelles within cells that serve as the “digestive system.” Their primary function is to break down and recycle cellular waste materials, such as damaged organelles, proteins, and foreign substances (like bacteria or viruses). They contain enzymes that can digest these materials, maintaining cellular health and promoting recycling of biomolecules.
  2. Monomers of Hexosaminidase A Enzyme: Hexosaminidase A is composed of two types of subunits or monomers: Lysosomes: Cellular Waste Management
    • Alpha subunit (α): This subunit is encoded by the HEXA gene located on chromosome 15. It contains the catalytic site for enzyme activity…