What New, exciting or challenging experiences did you have this week?


This week, I took over a second reading group and continued my one-on-one work with a few students. I stepped in for the 6th-grade reading group, which I will take over the following week, and I now work on math facts with half of the 6th-grade math class. Teaching the 6th grade was an exciting experience since they had a good background and understood the content. Even though the students’ reading behaviors and levels differed significantly, I had to plan to handle the lessons differently. The experience equipped me with the skills to handle the class well.

Exciting or Challenging Experiences

Despite the exciting experience, I also encountered a series of challenges. The most challenging experience was teaching the 4th-grade. This group posed greater behavioral challenges. During one of the lessons, I consistently lost their focus and attention. They needed to be on the same page as what I had in mind for them. It was devastating. The following day, I considered a lesson that enabled them work independently at their personalized skill level. The exercises focused on the learning materials. The pupils were engaged and gave their all. I had the chance to visit each student one-on-one and work on the area they needed help with the most. That was my most fulfilling experience. I was overjoyed that I had managed to make terrible experience into a positive one. Exciting or Challenging Experiences

How are you managing your time and tasks and in what ways would you be more productive?

I used most of my time to teach the assigned groups. I substituted for the two leaders and took charge of numerous math assignments. It was a good step in preparing me for full-time responsibility the following week. I maximized all the time I had during the week. I will have several opportunities to practice new strategies, making myself more productive. I will also consult my seniors to ensure I deliver quality work. I will be developing ideas for a new writing course that I will take next. I am looking through each student’s objectives and creating a lesson that meets a common need. Exciting or Challenging Experiences