Public Health Framework

A public health approach there are four general steps surveillance risk factor identification intervention evaluation and implementation. Surveillance- what is the problem? Risk factor identification- what is the cause? Intervention evaluation-what works? Implementation- How do you do it?


Public Health Framework

Here’s a brief summary of each step:

  1. Surveillance: What is the problem?
    • This step involves collecting and analyzing data to identify and understand health issues and trends in the population. It helps to determine the scope, severity, and distribution of the problem.
  2. Risk Factor Identification: What is the cause?
    • This phase focuses on identifying the factors that contribute to the health problem. These can be biological, environmental, behavioral, or social factors that increase the likelihood of the problem occurring.
  3. Intervention Evaluation: What works?
    • In this step, various interventions are tested and assessed to determine their effectiveness in addressing the health problem. This includes evaluating their impact, feasibility, and cost-effectiveness…

Here’s a brief summary of each step:

  1. Surveillance: What is the problem?
    • This step involves collecting and analyzing data to identify and understand health issues and trends in the population. It helps to determine the scope, severity, and distribution of the problem.
  2. Risk Factor Identification: What is the cause?
    • This phase focuses on identifying the factors that contribute to the health problem. These can be biological, environmental, behavioral, or social factors that increase the likelihood of the problem occurring.
  3. Intervention Evaluation: What works?
    • In this step, various interventions are tested and assessed to determine their effectiveness in addressing the health problem. This includes evaluating their impact, feasibility, and cost-effectiveness…

Here’s a brief summary of each step:

  1. Surveillance: What is the problem?
    • This step involves collecting and analyzing data to identify and understand health issues and trends in the population. It helps to determine the scope, severity, and distribution of the problem.
  2. Risk Factor Identification: What is the cause?
    • This phase focuses on identifying the factors that contribute to the health problem. These can be biological, environmental, behavioral, or social factors that increase the likelihood of the problem occurring. Public Health Framework
  3. Intervention Evaluation: What works?
    • In this step, various interventions are tested and assessed to determine their effectiveness in addressing the health problem. This includes evaluating their impact, feasibility, and cost-effectiveness…