Empathy Driven Leadership

Who has had the most influence on how you lead? Why?


Empathy Driven Leadership

Someone who influenced my leadership style is a former mentor from my time at a nonprofit health organization. This mentor always prioritized empathy and active listening in their leadership approach. During a critical project, where our team faced conflicting opinions on how to engage underserved communities, my mentor gathered everyone for an open discussion, encouraging each team member to share their perspectives.

Instead of dictating the solution, they facilitated the conversation, making sure everyone’s voice was heard. In the end, we collaboratively developed a more inclusive outreach strategy. This experience taught me the power of collaborative leadership, transparency, and valuing diversity in decision-making, and it’s something I carry into my current role as a Diversity and Inclusion Officer…

Someone who influenced my leadership style is a former mentor from my time at a nonprofit health organization. This mentor always prioritized empathy and active listening in their leadership approach. During a critical project, where our team faced conflicting opinions on how to engage underserved communities, my mentor gathered everyone for an open discussion, encouraging each team member to share their perspectives.

Instead of dictating the solution, they facilitated the conversation, making sure everyone’s voice was heard. In the end, we collaboratively developed a more inclusive outreach strategy. This experience taught me the power of collaborative leadership, transparency, and valuing diversity in decision-making, and it’s something I carry into my current role as a Diversity and Inclusion Officer…

Someone who influenced my leadership style is a former mentor from my time at a nonprofit health organization. This mentor always prioritized empathy and active listening in their leadership approach. During a critical project, where our team faced conflicting opinions on how to engage underserved communities, my mentor gathered everyone for an open discussion, encouraging each team member to share their perspectives. Empathy Driven Leadership

Instead of dictating the solution, they facilitated the conversation, making sure everyone’s voice was heard. In the end, we collaboratively developed a more inclusive outreach strategy. This experience taught me the power of collaborative leadership, transparency, and valuing diversity in decision-making, and it’s something I carry into my current role as a Diversity and Inclusion Officer…