Surfactant Deficiency in Newborns

A newborn baby exhibits signs of respiratory distress due to the lack of surfactant. She has signs of low oxygen and high carbon dioxide. Explain the following in depth:

  1. What is the role of surfactant, what cell secretes it, and when does the body start its production as well as when it is secreted?
  2. Why does the lack of surfactant result in respiratory distress?
  3. What type of acid-base disorder would the infant develop?
  4. How would the infant’s body compensate for the acid-base disorder?


Surfactant Deficiency in Newborns
1. Role of Surfactant, Secretion, and Timing of Production

Surfactant plays a critical role in the respiratory system, particularly in the lungs. It is a lipid-protein substance produced by type II alveolar cells (also known as type II pneumocytes) in the lungs.

Function of surfactant:

  • Surfactant reduces surface tension in the alveoli (the tiny air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange occurs).
  • Without surfactant, the surface tension would cause the alveoli to collapse (a condition called atelectasis) during exhalation, making it much harder for the lungs to inflate during the next breath.
  • By lowering surface tension, surfactant stabilizes the alveoli, preventing collapse and allowing efficient gas exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Production and secretion timing:

  • Surfactant production begins around 24 weeks of gestation but is not sufficient for lung function until about 34 to 36 weeks of gestation…
1. Role of Surfactant, Secretion, and Timing of Production

Surfactant plays a critical role in the respiratory system, particularly in the lungs. It is a lipid-protein substance produced by type II alveolar cells (also known as type II pneumocytes) in the lungs.

Function of surfactant:

  • Surfactant reduces surface tension in the alveoli (the tiny air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange occurs).
  • Without surfactant, the surface tension would cause the alveoli to collapse (a condition called atelectasis) during exhalation, making it much harder for the lungs to inflate during the next breath.
  • By lowering surface tension, surfactant stabilizes the alveoli, preventing collapse and allowing efficient gas exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Surfactant Deficiency in Newborns

Production and secretion timing:

  • Surfactant production begins around 24 weeks of gestation but is not sufficient for lung function until about 34 to 36 weeks of gestation…