Conducting Telehealth Assessments

  • How will you approach and perform a telehealth assessment?


Conducting Telehealth Assessments
Approaching and Performing a Telehealth Assessment

1. Preparation and Setup

  • Ensure Technology Readiness: Verify that you have a reliable internet connection, functioning camera, microphone, and the necessary telehealth software. Ensure all devices are updated and functioning properly.
  • Create a Comfortable Environment: Choose a quiet, well-lit, and private space for the consultation. Ensure that your surroundings are free from distractions and that patient privacy is maintained.
  • Prepare Documentation: Have the patient’s medical history, current medications, and any relevant documents readily accessible before the consultation begins.

2. Initial Contact

  • Greet and Introduce: Start with a friendly greeting and introduce yourself to establish rapport and put the patient at ease. Confirm the patient’s identity and verify any necessary details…
Approaching and Performing a Telehealth Assessment

1. Preparation and Setup

  • Ensure Technology Readiness: Verify that you have a reliable internet connection, functioning camera, microphone, and the necessary telehealth software. Ensure all devices are updated and functioning properly.
  • Create a Comfortable Environment: Choose a quiet, well-lit, and private space for the consultation. Ensure that your surroundings are free from distractions and that patient privacy is maintained.
  • Prepare Documentation: Have the patient’s medical history, current medications, and any relevant documents readily accessible before the consultation begins.

2. Initial Contact

  • Greet and Introduce: Start with a friendly greeting and introduce yourself to establish rapport and put the patient at ease. Confirm the patient’s identity and verify any necessary details…
Approaching and Performing a Telehealth Assessment

1. Preparation and Setup

  • Ensure Technology Readiness: Verify that you have a reliable internet connection, functioning camera, microphone, and the necessary telehealth software. Ensure all devices are updated and functioning properly.
  • Create a Comfortable Environment: Choose a quiet, well-lit, and private space for the consultation. Ensure that your surroundings are free from distractions and that patient privacy is maintained.
  • Prepare Documentation: Have the patient’s medical history, current medications, and any relevant documents readily accessible before the consultation begins. Conducting Telehealth Assessments

2. Initial Contact

  • Greet and Introduce: Start with a friendly greeting and introduce yourself to establish rapport and put the patient at ease. Confirm the patient’s identity and verify any necessary details…