Rise of Centralization

Discuss how did the Hundred Years’ War contributed to the rise of centralized monarchies? What effect did it have on feudalism? What new military technology was seen in the conflict? Who won? What changes did it bring to Europe?


Rise of Centralization

The Hundred Years’ War, a series of conflicts from 1337 to 1453 between the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of France, had profound impacts on the political and social structures of both countries, as well as on the broader European landscape.

Contribution to the Rise of Centralized Monarchies
  1. Strengthening of Royal Authority:
    • The prolonged nature of the war required consistent and centralized control over resources and military forces. This necessity led to the strengthening of royal power and the centralization of authority in both England and France.
    • Kings began to rely less on feudal levies from nobles and more on professional armies, funded through taxes collected by the crown.
  2. Development of Taxation Systems:
    • To fund the war efforts, both monarchies developed more sophisticated and extensive taxation systems. These new financial mechanisms increased the crown’s control over the economy and reduced its dependence on the nobility for financial support…

The Hundred Years’ War, a series of conflicts from 1337 to 1453 between the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of France, had profound impacts on the political and social structures of both countries, as well as on the broader European landscape.

Contribution to the Rise of Centralized Monarchies
  1. Strengthening of Royal Authority:
    • The prolonged nature of the war required consistent and centralized control over resources and military forces. This necessity led to the strengthening of royal power and the centralization of authority in both England and France.
    • Kings began to rely less on feudal levies from nobles and more on professional armies, funded through taxes collected by the crown.
  2. Development of Taxation Systems:
    • To fund the war efforts, both monarchies developed more sophisticated and extensive taxation systems. These new financial mechanisms increased the crown’s control over the economy and reduced its dependence on the nobility for financial support…

The Hundred Years’ War, a series of conflicts from 1337 to 1453 between the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of France, had profound impacts on the political and social structures of both countries, as well as on the broader European landscape. Rise of Centralization