Navigating Professional Integration

Examine one of the two models of socialization discussed in your readings.

  • Place yourself in one of the stages based on your professional development at this point in your career. 
  • Provide your rationale for the model selected and stage identified. 


Navigating Professional Integration

Let’s examine the “Organizational Socialization Model” by John Van Maanen and Edgar Schein. This model consists of three stages:

  1. Anticipatory Socialization
  2. Encounter
  3. Change and Acquisition
Organizational Socialization Model

1. Anticipatory Socialization:

  • This stage occurs before entering the organization. It involves the expectations and perceptions about the organization and the role, often formed through education, previous work experience, and the recruitment process.

2. Encounter:

  • This stage begins upon entering the organization. It includes experiencing the reality of the organizational environment, learning the ropes, and reconciling any discrepancies between expectations and reality…

Let’s examine the “Organizational Socialization Model” by John Van Maanen and Edgar Schein. This model consists of three stages:

  1. Anticipatory Socialization
  2. Encounter
  3. Change and Acquisition
Organizational Socialization Model

1. Anticipatory Socialization:

  • This stage occurs before entering the organization. It involves the expectations and perceptions about the organization and the role, often formed through education, previous work experience, and the recruitment process.

2. Encounter:

  • This stage begins upon entering the organization. It includes experiencing the reality of the organizational environment, learning the ropes, and reconciling any discrepancies between expectations and reality…

Let’s examine the “Organizational Socialization Model” by John Van Maanen and Edgar Schein. This model consists of three stages:

  1. Anticipatory Socialization
  2. Encounter
  3. Change and Acquisition
Organizational Socialization Model

1. Anticipatory Socialization:

  • This stage occurs before entering the organization. It involves the expectations and perceptions about the organization and the role, often formed through education, previous work experience, and the recruitment process.

2. Encounter:

  • This stage begins upon entering the organization. It includes experiencing the reality of the organizational environment, learning the ropes, and reconciling any discrepancies between expectations and reality…

Let’s examine the “Organizational Socialization Model” by John Van Maanen and Edgar Schein. This model consists of three stages:

  1. Anticipatory Socialization
  2. Encounter
  3. Change and Acquisition
Organizational Socialization Model

1. Anticipatory Socialization:

  • This stage occurs before entering the organization. It involves the expectations and perceptions about the organization and the role, often formed through education, previous work experience, and the recruitment process. Navigating Professional Integration

2. Encounter:

  • This stage begins upon entering the organization. It includes experiencing the reality of the organizational environment, learning the ropes, and reconciling any discrepancies between expectations and reality…