Philosophical Foundations Explained

  1. What is epistemology? What is metaphysics? What is skepticism?


Philosophical Foundations Explained

Epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with the study of knowledge. It explores questions about the nature, scope, and sources of knowledge, as well as the justification and limits of beliefs. Key issues in epistemology include understanding the conditions under which knowledge is possible, the distinction between belief and knowledge, the role of perception and reason in acquiring knowledge, and the problem of skepticism.


Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that deals with the fundamental nature of reality and existence. It explores questions about the nature of being, reality, existence, causation, time, space, and identity. Metaphysical inquiries often delve into topics such as the nature of mind and body, free will and determinism, the existence of abstract objects, and the relationship between individuals and the world.


Skepticism is an approach that questions the possibility of certainty in knowledge. Skeptics doubt or suspend judgment on various claims, often emphasizing the limitations of human perception, cognition, and reasoning. There are different forms of…


Epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with the study of knowledge. It explores questions about the nature, scope, and sources of knowledge, as well as the justification and limits of beliefs. Key issues in epistemology include understanding the conditions under which knowledge is possible, the distinction between belief and knowledge, the role of perception and reason in acquiring knowledge, and the problem of skepticism.


Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that deals with the fundamental nature of reality and existence. It explores questions about the nature of being, reality, existence, causation, time, space, and identity. Metaphysical inquiries often delve into topics such as the nature of mind and body, free will and determinism, the existence of abstract objects, and the relationship between individuals and the world. Philosophical Foundations Explained


Skepticism is an approach that questions the possibility of certainty in knowledge. Skeptics doubt or suspend judgment on various claims, often emphasizing the limitations of human perception, cognition, and reasoning. There are different forms of…