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Daily Archives: June 30, 2024

Interpersonal Perception Process

Interpersonal Perception Process List and describe the three stages of the interpersonal perception process. APA Selection: Description: Involves selectively attending to certain cues or information from the environment or the person being perceived. Details: People may focus on visual cues…

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Halo vs. Horn

Halo vs. Horn Discuss the difference(s) between the halo effect and the horn effect. APA Halo Effect: Description: The halo effect is a cognitive bias where an overall positive impression of a person (or entity) influences perceptions of their specific…

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Stereotyping and Prejudice

Stereotyping and Prejudice How are stereotyping and prejudice related? Name three ways they are perpetuated. APA Stereotyping and prejudice are closely related concepts in social psychology, both contributing to the formation and maintenance of biased attitudes and discriminatory behaviors. Stereotyping:…

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Sex vs. Gender

Sex vs. Gender What are the differences between sex and gender? APA Biological vs. Social: Sex: Refers to the biological differences between males and females, such as chromosomes, hormones, and reproductive organs. Gender: Refers to the social, cultural, and psychological…

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Listening Styles Guide

Listening Styles Guide Identify the four listening styles, and describe the situation in which each style is most appropriate. APA Four Listening Styles Active Listening Reflective Listening Critical Listening Appreciative Listening Situations for Each Listening Style Active Listening: Description: Involves…

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Organizational Learning Strategies

Curriculum Design Responsibilities

Curriculum Design Responsibilities What are the responsibilities of a curriculum designer? • What challenges do designers face in a school and/or from external groups? • How should a Christian approach curriculum design? APA Needs Assessment: Identify educational goals and the…

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Curriculum Development Essentials

Curriculum Development Essentials • How do you define curriculum? • How does curriculum differ from instruction? • Who is responsible for curriculum development? APA Curriculum refers to the structured set of educational experiences and content delivered within an educational system…

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