Proposition 209: Affirmative Action

What were the key events that led to the demise of affirmative action in state hiring and college admissions in California?


Proposition 209: Affirmative Action

The demise of affirmative action in state hiring and college admissions in California can be attributed to several key events and legislative actions:

  1. Proposition 209 (1996): This statewide ballot initiative, also known as the California Civil Rights Initiative, was approved by California voters in 1996. Prop 209 amended the state constitution to prohibit state institutions from considering race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, education, or contracting.
  2. Legal Challenges and Court Decisions: Following the passage of Prop 209, legal challenges were mounted against its constitutionality. However, court decisions, including those by the California Supreme Court and federal courts, upheld Prop 209 as consistent with the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
  3. Impact on Policies: Prop 209 effectively ended affirmative action practices in California public universities and state agencies. It barred institutions from using race-conscious admissions or hiring policies to promote diversity or address historical discrimination…

The demise of affirmative action in state hiring and college admissions in California can be attributed to several key events and legislative actions:

  1. Proposition 209 (1996): This statewide ballot initiative, also known as the California Civil Rights Initiative, was approved by California voters in 1996. Prop 209 amended the state constitution to prohibit state institutions from considering race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, education, or contracting.
  2. Legal Challenges and Court Decisions: Following the passage of Prop 209, legal challenges were mounted against its constitutionality. However, court decisions, including those by the California Supreme Court and federal courts, upheld Prop 209 as consistent with the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
  3. Impact on Policies: Prop 209 effectively ended affirmative action practices in California public universities and state agencies. It barred institutions from using race-conscious admissions or hiring policies to promote diversity or address historical discrimination…

The demise of affirmative action in state hiring and college admissions in California can be attributed to several key events and legislative actions:

  1. Proposition 209 (1996): This statewide ballot initiative, also known as the California Civil Rights Initiative, was approved by California voters in 1996. Prop 209 amended the state constitution to prohibit state institutions from considering race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, education, or contracting. Proposition 209: Affirmative Action