Perception Process Stages

List and describe the three stages of the interpersonal perception process.


Perception Process Stages

Stages of Interpersonal Perception
  1. Selection:
    • Description: In this initial stage, individuals focus their attention on specific stimuli in their environment. This process is influenced by factors such as intensity, novelty, repetition, and relevance to personal interests or goals. For example, during a conversation, a person might pay more attention to facial expressions or tone of voice rather than the specific words being said.
    • Example: If someone is very animated and loud during a discussion, they are likely to draw more attention compared to someone who is quiet and reserved.
  2. Organization:
    • Description: In the organization stage, the selected information is arranged in a meaningful way. This involves categorizing and structuring the stimuli based on familiar patterns and past experiences. The brain uses schemas, which are mental frameworks that help in organizing information quickly and efficiently…
Stages of Interpersonal Perception
  1. Selection:
    • Description: In this initial stage, individuals focus their attention on specific stimuli in their environment. This process is influenced by factors such as intensity, novelty, repetition, and relevance to personal interests or goals. For example, during a conversation, a person might pay more attention to facial expressions or tone of voice rather than the specific words being said.
    • Example: If someone is very animated and loud during a discussion, they are likely to draw more attention compared to someone who is quiet and reserved.
  2. Organization:
    • Description: In the organization stage, the selected information is arranged in a meaningful way. This involves categorizing and structuring the stimuli based on familiar patterns and past experiences. The brain uses schemas, which are mental frameworks that help in organizing information quickly and efficiently…
Stages of Interpersonal Perception
  1. Selection:
    • Description: In this initial stage, individuals focus their attention on specific stimuli in their environment. This process is influenced by factors such as intensity, novelty, repetition, and relevance to personal interests or goals. For example, during a conversation, a person might pay more attention to facial expressions or tone of voice rather than the specific words being said.
    • Example: If someone is very animated and loud during a discussion, they are likely to draw more attention compared to someone who is quiet and reserved.