Organizational Learning Strategies-Organizational learning is critical to the success of an  organization. As employees learn, they may share their learning with  other employees. Unfortunately, the sharing of learning is subject to  the amount of constant pressures to perform and produce. Learning is  much more than attending a few workshops. A true learning environment  calls for time to practice new skills, room to experiment, and  accountability for application and sharing. You’ll take a closer look at organizational learning within your organization.

(Company: Amazon)

  • What are the most effective methods of educating and developing  employees? Why are those methods particularly effective? Share specific  companies who have done this well.
  • How has your organization performed in developing its employees?
  • What are some deficiencies in the learning process? For example—once  explicit knowledge is transferred in a workshop, what is the process  for application of the new information from the employee perspective?  What are some improvements you’d recommend for organizational learning?
  • Assess the organizational learning that occurs in your  organization—how has it enhanced performance? How has it enabled  individuals to be more innovative?

The final paragraph (three or four sentences) of your first  post should summarize the one or two key points that you are making in your initial response.

Your initial posting should be the equivalent of 1- to 2-pages (500  to 1000 words) in length. Justify your answers with examples and  reasoning.

Organizational Learning Strategies
Effective Methods of Educating and Developing Employees

Organizational Learning Strategies-Effective methods of educating and developing employees go beyond traditional workshops to encompass comprehensive learning environments that foster continuous improvement and innovation. Companies renowned for their successful employee development strategies include Google and Microsoft.

Google is known for its “20% time” policy, where employees can dedicate a portion of their workweek to projects of their choosing. This initiative not only encourages creativity and innovation but also allows employees to learn new skills and explore new ideas without the pressure of immediate productivity. This method is effective because it provides employees with autonomy and encourages a culture of continuous learning and experimentation.

Microsoft has implemented a structured mentorship program called “Career Compass,” which pairs employees with senior mentors to provide guidance and support throughout their careers. This personalized approach helps employees develop both technical skills and leadership capabilities, fostering a culture of learning and growth.

Development of Employees at Amazon

Amazon has a robust employee development program aimed at nurturing talent across various levels of the organization. The company emphasizes continuous learning through its internal training programs, such as “Amazon Career Choice,” which provides tuition assistance for employees to pursue courses in high-demand fields even if they’re unrelated to their current roles.

Deficiencies in the Learning Process and Recommendations

Despite these initiatives, deficiencies in the learning process at Amazon may include challenges in the application of explicit knowledge gained from workshops. Employees may struggle to find time and resources to apply newly acquired skills in their daily work. To improve organizational learning, Amazon could implement structured follow-up sessions or project assignments that require employees to use newly learned skills immediately after workshops. Additionally, fostering a culture where learning and experimentation are celebrated rather than penalized for short-term productivity gains would enhance the effectiveness of learning initiatives.

Organizational Learning and Enhanced Performance

Organizational learning at Amazon has significantly enhanced performance by fostering a culture of innovation and continuous improvement. Through initiatives like “Amazon Web Services (AWS),” the company has leveraged its learning culture to pioneer new technologies and services that drive business growth. By empowering individuals to experiment and apply new knowledge, Amazon has created an environment where innovation thrives, leading to competitive advantages in the marketplace.


In summary, effective employee development methods such as Google’s “20% time” and Microsoft’s mentorship programs promote continuous learning and innovation. While Amazon has implemented successful initiatives like “Career Choice,” challenges remain in applying workshop knowledge effectively. Improving follow-up mechanisms and fostering a culture that values learning and experimentation could further enhance Amazon’s organizational learning efforts, ultimately leading to sustained innovation and competitive advantage.
