Government Trust Erosion

How did Vietnam & the Watergate scandal affect popular trust in the federal government?


Government Trust Erosion

The Vietnam War and the Watergate scandal had profound effects on popular trust in the federal government during the 1960s and 1970s:

Vietnam War:
  1. Loss of Confidence:
    • Mismanagement: The prolonged and divisive Vietnam War eroded public trust due to perceptions of government mismanagement, escalation without clear objectives, and misleading information about progress.
    • Draft Controversy: The draft system and the perceived unfairness in conscription further fueled anti-government sentiments among young Americans and their families.
  2. Protest and Opposition:
    • Anti-War Movement: Widespread protests, demonstrations, and civil disobedience against the war highlighted deep public disillusionment with government policies and decisions.
    • Kent State Shooting: The Kent State shootings in 1970, where National Guard troops killed unarmed student protesters, intensified public outrage and skepticism towards government actions…

The Vietnam War and the Watergate scandal had profound effects on popular trust in the federal government during the 1960s and 1970s:

Vietnam War:
  1. Loss of Confidence:
    • Mismanagement: The prolonged and divisive Vietnam War eroded public trust due to perceptions of government mismanagement, escalation without clear objectives, and misleading information about progress.
    • Draft Controversy: The draft system and the perceived unfairness in conscription further fueled anti-government sentiments among young Americans and their families.
  2. Protest and Opposition:
    • Anti-War Movement: Widespread protests, demonstrations, and civil disobedience against the war highlighted deep public disillusionment with government policies and decisions.
    • Kent State Shooting: The Kent State shootings in 1970, where National Guard troops killed unarmed student protesters, intensified public outrage and skepticism towards government actions…

The Vietnam War and the Watergate scandal had profound effects on popular trust in the federal government during the 1960s and 1970s:

Vietnam War:
  1. Loss of Confidence:
    • Mismanagement: The prolonged and divisive Vietnam War eroded public trust due to perceptions of government mismanagement, escalation without clear objectives, and misleading information about progress.
    • Draft Controversy: The draft system and the perceived unfairness in conscription further fueled anti-government sentiments among young Americans and their families.
  2. Protest and Opposition:
    • Anti-War Movement: Widespread protests, demonstrations, and civil disobedience against the war highlighted deep public disillusionment with government policies and decisions. Government Trust Erosion
    • Kent State Shooting: The Kent State shootings in 1970, where National Guard troops killed unarmed student protesters, intensified public outrage and skepticism towards government actions…