WHO Funding Sources

What are the possible sources of financing for programs for WHO?


WHO Funding Sources

The World Health Organization (WHO) relies on a variety of financing sources to support its programs and initiatives. These sources include:

1. Assessed Contributions
  • Member State Contributions: Each member state of the WHO is required to contribute funds based on a scale of assessment, which is adjusted for each country’s ability to pay. These contributions are a stable and predictable source of funding for the organization.
2. Voluntary Contributions
  • Member States: In addition to assessed contributions, many member states provide voluntary financial contributions for specific projects, programs, or emergencies.
  • Non-Member States: Countries that are not WHO members can also contribute voluntarily to the organization’s efforts.
  • International Organizations: Various international bodies and intergovernmental organizations contribute funds to support WHO programs…
1. Assessed Contributions
  • Member State Contributions: Each member state of the WHO is required to contribute funds based on a scale of assessment, which is adjusted for each country’s ability to pay. These contributions are a stable and predictable source of funding for the organization.
2. Voluntary Contributions
  • Member States: In addition to assessed contributions, many member states provide voluntary financial contributions for specific projects, programs, or emergencies.
  • Non-Member States: Countries that are not WHO members can also contribute voluntarily to the organization’s efforts.
  • International Organizations: Various international bodies and intergovernmental organizations contribute funds to support WHO programs…
1. Assessed Contributions
  • Member State Contributions: Each member state of the WHO is required to contribute funds based on a scale of assessment, which is adjusted for each country’s ability to pay. These contributions are a stable and predictable source of funding for the organization.
2. Voluntary Contributions
  • Member States: In addition to assessed contributions, many member states provide voluntary financial contributions for specific projects, programs, or emergencies.
  • Non-Member States: Countries that are not WHO members can also contribute voluntarily to the organization’s efforts. WHO Funding Sources
  • International Organizations: Various international bodies and intergovernmental organizations contribute funds to support WHO programs…