Maintaining Christian Identity

Select a subculture within US culture, perhaps one that you are a part of such as a religious group, ethnic group, social club, etc. Discuss how this subculture erects and maintains its symbolic boundaries.


Maintaining Christian Identity

As a member of a religious group, let’s take Christianity as an example to discuss how it erects and maintains symbolic boundaries within the larger US culture:

  1. Doctrinal Beliefs: Christianity erects symbolic boundaries through its doctrinal beliefs and teachings. These beliefs often define what it means to be a Christian, including core tenets such as belief in Jesus Christ as Savior, the authority of the Bible, and specific moral teachings (e.g., on issues like marriage, sexuality, and ethics). These doctrinal boundaries differentiate Christians from non-Christians and often from other religious groups.
  2. Rituals and Practices: Christianity maintains symbolic boundaries through rituals and practices that are unique to Christian faith traditions. For example, baptism, communion (Eucharist), prayer practices, and worship styles serve as symbolic markers of identity and participation within the Christian community…

As a member of a religious group, let’s take Christianity as an example to discuss how it erects and maintains symbolic boundaries within the larger US culture:

  1. Doctrinal Beliefs: Christianity erects symbolic boundaries through its doctrinal beliefs and teachings. These beliefs often define what it means to be a Christian, including core tenets such as belief in Jesus Christ as Savior, the authority of the Bible, and specific moral teachings (e.g., on issues like marriage, sexuality, and ethics). These doctrinal boundaries differentiate Christians from non-Christians and often from other religious groups. Maintaining Christian Identity
  2. Rituals and Practices: Christianity maintains symbolic boundaries through rituals and practices that are unique to Christian faith traditions. For example, baptism, communion (Eucharist), prayer practices, and worship styles serve as symbolic markers of identity and participation within the Christian community…