Cures Act Compliance

  • Review the Resources on healthcare policy and regulatory/legislative topics related to health and nursing informatics.
  • Consider the role of the nurse informaticist in relation to a healthcare organization’s compliance with various policies and regulations, such as the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA).
  • Research and select one health or nursing informatics policy (within the past 5 years) or regulation for further study.


Cures Act Compliance

The 21st Century Cures Act, signed into law in December 2016, is a comprehensive legislation aimed at accelerating medical product development, bringing new innovations and advances to patients faster, and improving the quality of care. One of the critical components of this act pertains to health information technology (IT), specifically targeting the promotion of interoperability and the prohibition of information blocking.

Key Provisions Related to Health and Nursing Informatics
  1. Interoperability:
    • The Act mandates the development and adoption of health IT standards to ensure that electronic health information is accessible and usable across different systems, facilitating better care coordination and patient outcomes…

The 21st Century Cures Act, signed into law in December 2016, is a comprehensive legislation aimed at accelerating medical product development, bringing new innovations and advances to patients faster, and improving the quality of care. One of the critical components of this act pertains to health information technology (IT), specifically targeting the promotion of interoperability and the prohibition of information blocking.

Key Provisions Related to Health and Nursing Informatics
  1. Interoperability:
    • The Act mandates the development and adoption of health IT standards to ensure that electronic health information is accessible and usable across different systems, facilitating better care coordination and patient outcomes…

The 21st Century Cures Act, signed into law in December 2016, is a comprehensive legislation aimed at accelerating medical product development, bringing new innovations and advances to patients faster, and improving the quality of care. One of the critical components of this act pertains to health information technology (IT), specifically targeting the promotion of interoperability and the prohibition of information blocking. Cures Act Compliance

Key Provisions Related to Health and Nursing Informatics
  1. Interoperability:
    • The Act mandates the development and adoption of health IT standards to ensure that electronic health information is accessible and usable across different systems, facilitating better care coordination and patient outcomes…