Understanding Deviant Behavior

Describe the deviant behavior. Analyze why it would be considered deviant in today’s culture.


Understanding Deviant Behavior

Deviant behavior refers to actions or behaviors that violate social norms, cultural expectations, or laws within a society. What constitutes deviant behavior can vary across different cultures and time periods. In today’s culture, several factors contribute to why certain behaviors are considered deviant:

  1. Social Norms and Expectations: Society establishes norms—implicit or explicit rules—that guide behavior. Deviant behavior often deviates from these norms. For example, behaviors such as public nudity, excessive aggression, or extreme political views may be considered deviant because they contravene established social expectations.
  2. Legal Standards: Many deviant behaviors also violate legal standards. Criminal acts like theft, assault, or drug trafficking are universally recognized as deviant because they defy laws intended to maintain social order and protect individuals.
  3. Moral and Ethical Codes: Beyond legalities, deviant behavior can also transgress moral…

Deviant behavior refers to actions or behaviors that violate social norms, cultural expectations, or laws within a society. What constitutes deviant behavior can vary across different cultures and time periods. In today’s culture, several factors contribute to why certain behaviors are considered deviant:

  1. Social Norms and Expectations: Society establishes norms—implicit or explicit rules—that guide behavior. Deviant behavior often deviates from these norms. For example, behaviors such as public nudity, excessive aggression, or extreme political views may be considered deviant because they contravene established social expectations.
  2. Legal Standards: Many deviant behaviors also violate legal standards. Criminal acts like theft, assault, or drug trafficking are universally recognized as deviant because they defy laws intended to maintain social order and protect individuals.
  3. Moral and Ethical Codes: Beyond legalities, deviant behavior can also transgress moral…

Deviant behavior refers to actions or behaviors that violate social norms, cultural expectations, or laws within a society. What constitutes deviant behavior can vary across different cultures and time periods. In today’s culture, several factors contribute to why certain behaviors are considered deviant: Understanding Deviant Behavior

  1. Social Norms and Expectations: Society establishes norms—implicit or explicit rules—that guide behavior. Deviant behavior often deviates from these norms. For example, behaviors such as public nudity, excessive aggression, or extreme political views may be considered deviant because they contravene established social expectations…