Problem-Solution Across Disciplines

Define “problem” and “solution” within the context of problem-solving methodologies.
Discuss how these terms are understood and applied in different disciplines (e.g., business, healthcare, engineering).
Include references to foundational definitions and scholarly perspectives (e.g., Dostál, 2015).


Problem-Solution Across Disciplines

In problem-solving methodologies, a “problem” is defined as a discrepancy between an existing state (current situation or condition) and a desired state (goal or objective). Problems can arise due to challenges, obstacles, inefficiencies, or opportunities that need to be addressed or capitalized upon. Identifying and defining a problem is the initial step in the problem-solving process, involving analysis and understanding of the underlying causes and implications.

Definition of “Solution”: A “solution” in problem-solving refers to the means or method used to resolve or mitigate the identified problem. It is an action or set of actions designed to achieve the desired outcome or goal, thereby bridging the gap between the current state and the desired state. Solutions can vary in complexity and may involve creative …

In problem-solving methodologies, a “problem” is defined as a discrepancy between an existing state (current situation or condition) and a desired state (goal or objective). Problems can arise due to challenges, obstacles, inefficiencies, or opportunities that need to be addressed or capitalized upon. Identifying and defining a problem is the initial step in the problem-solving process, involving analysis and understanding of the underlying causes and implications. Problem-Solution Across Disciplines

Definition of “Solution”: A “solution” in problem-solving refers to the means or method used to resolve or mitigate the identified problem. It is an action or set of actions designed to achieve the desired outcome or goal, thereby bridging the gap between the current state and the desired state. Solutions can vary in complexity and may involve creative …

Definition of “Solution”: A “solution” in problem-solving refers to the means or method used to resolve or mitigate the identified problem. It is an action or set of actions designed to achieve the desired outcome or goal, thereby bridging the gap between the current state and the desired state. Solutions can vary in complexity and may involve creative …