Essential Problem-Solving Attributes

Identify key attributes that define problem-solution approaches: Identifiability, Analyzability, Solvability, Action-orientation, Iterative process, Context-dependence, Creativity and innovation, Evaluation and learning.
Discuss each attribute with examples to illustrate its application.


Essential Problem-Solving Attributes

  • Identifiability:
    • Definition: This refers to the clarity and specificity of the problem statement. A well-defined problem is easier to understand and tackle.
    • Example: Imagine a company facing declining sales. The problem can be identified as “identifiably” low sales figures for a particular product line over the past three quarters.
  • Analyzability:
    • Definition: This attribute concerns the ability to break down a complex problem into smaller, manageable parts that can be analyzed separately.
    • Example: For the sales decline problem, analyzability would involve examining factors such as market trends, competitive analysis, customer feedback, and internal sales data to pinpoint causes.
  • Solvability:
    • Definition: Solvability indicates whether a problem can be effectively addressed or resolved given the available resources and constraints.
    • Example: After analyzing the sales decline, the company determines that a new marketing strategy targeting younger demographics …
  • Identifiability:
    • Definition: This refers to the clarity and specificity of the problem statement. A well-defined problem is easier to understand and tackle.
    • Example: Imagine a company facing declining sales. The problem can be identified as “identifiably” low sales figures for a particular product line over the past three quarters.
  • Analyzability:
    • Definition: This attribute concerns the ability to break down a complex problem into smaller, manageable parts that can be analyzed separately.
    • Example: For the sales decline problem, analyzability would involve examining factors such as market trends, competitive analysis, customer feedback, and internal sales data to pinpoint causes. Essential Problem-Solving Attributes
  • Solvability:
    • Definition: Solvability indicates whether a problem can be effectively addressed or resolved given the available resources and constraints.
    • Example: After analyzing the sales decline, the company determines that a new marketing strategy targeting younger demographics …