Influential Interest Groups

What 5 interest groups affect your life?

What are the issues that this interest group would support and lobby the government about?

How would this affect domestic policy?

Do interest groups have too much control over domestic policy?


Influential Interest Groups

1. Five Interest Groups Affecting Your Life:
  1. Environmental Organizations:
    • Issues: Climate change mitigation, conservation of natural resources, renewable energy adoption.
  2. Labor Unions:
    • Issues: Workers’ rights, minimum wage legislation, workplace safety regulations.
  3. Healthcare Advocacy Groups:
    • Issues: Access to healthcare, affordability of prescription drugs, patient rights.
  4. Gun Rights Organizations:
    • Issues: Second Amendment rights, gun control legislation, firearm ownership regulations.
  5. Business Associations:
    • Issues: Tax policies affecting businesses, regulations impacting industry sectors, trade policies.
2. Issues These Interest Groups Support and Lobby About:
  • Environmental Organizations: Lobby for stricter environmental regulations, support renewable energy subsidies, advocate for conservation programs.
  • Labor Unions: Support legislation for higher minimum wages, lobby for improved workplace safety standards, advocate for collective bargaining rights…
1. Five Interest Groups Affecting Your Life:
  1. Environmental Organizations:
    • Issues: Climate change mitigation, conservation of natural resources, renewable energy adoption.
  2. Labor Unions:
    • Issues: Workers’ rights, minimum wage legislation, workplace safety regulations.
  3. Healthcare Advocacy Groups:
    • Issues: Access to healthcare, affordability of prescription drugs, patient rights.
  4. Gun Rights Organizations:
    • Issues: Second Amendment rights, gun control legislation, firearm ownership regulations.
  5. Business Associations:
    • Issues: Tax policies affecting businesses, regulations impacting industry sectors, trade policies.
2. Issues These Interest Groups Support and Lobby About:
  • Environmental Organizations: Lobby for stricter environmental regulations, support renewable energy subsidies, advocate for conservation programs.
  • Labor Unions: Support legislation for higher minimum wages, lobby for improved workplace safety standards, advocate for collective bargaining rights…
1. Five Interest Groups Affecting Your Life:
  1. Environmental Organizations:
    • Issues: Climate change mitigation, conservation of natural resources, renewable energy adoption.
  2. Labor Unions:
    • Issues: Workers’ rights, minimum wage legislation, workplace safety regulations.
  3. Healthcare Advocacy Groups:
    • Issues: Access to healthcare, affordability of prescription drugs, patient rights.
  4. Gun Rights Organizations:
    • Issues: Second Amendment rights, gun control legislation, firearm ownership regulations.
  5. Business Associations:
    • Issues: Tax policies affecting businesses, regulations impacting industry sectors, trade policies.
2. Issues These Interest Groups Support and Lobby About:
  • Environmental Organizations: Lobby for stricter environmental regulations, support renewable energy subsidies, advocate for conservation programs. (Influential Interest Groups)
  • Labor Unions: Support legislation for higher minimum wages, lobby for improved workplace safety standards, advocate for collective bargaining rights…