Evaluating Intervention Effectiveness

Explain how you might research your problem using an experimental design or a quasi-experimental design. Which approach seems to be the most appropriate for researching this problem?


Evaluating Intervention Effectiveness

To determine which design is most appropriate, let’s first define the problem and then explore the two research methodologies.

Problem Definition:

Example Problem: Evaluating the effectiveness of a new educational intervention program aimed at improving reading skills in elementary school students.

Experimental Design:

An experimental design involves the random assignment of participants to either the treatment group (receiving the intervention) or the control group (not receiving the intervention). This method aims to establish causality by controlling for extraneous variables.

  1. Random Assignment:
    • Randomly assign students to either the treatment group (those who will receive the new reading intervention) or the control group (those who will continue with the standard curriculum).
  2. Pre-Test:
    • Administer a reading skills assessment to all students before the intervention to establish a baseline…

To determine which design is most appropriate, let’s first define the problem and then explore the two research methodologies.

Problem Definition:

Example Problem: Evaluating the effectiveness of a new educational intervention program aimed at improving reading skills in elementary school students.

Experimental Design:

An experimental design involves the random assignment of participants to either the treatment group (receiving the intervention) or the control group (not receiving the intervention). This method aims to establish causality by controlling for extraneous variables.

  1. Random Assignment:
    • Randomly assign students to either the treatment group (those who will receive the new reading intervention) or the control group (those who will continue with the standard curriculum).
  2. Pre-Test:
    • Administer a reading skills assessment to all students before the intervention to establish a baseline…

To determine which design is most appropriate, let’s first define the problem and then explore the two research methodologies.

  1. Random Assignment:
    • Randomly assign students to either the treatment group (those who will receive the new reading intervention) or the control group (those who will continue with the standard curriculum).
  2. Pre-Test:
    • Administer a reading skills assessment to all students before the intervention to establish a baseline…