Ethics and Practices

Explanation for the relationship between professional practices and scholarly ethics. – Cite at least 2 resources that support your argument.


Ethics and Practices

Professional practices and scholarly ethics are deeply intertwined, as both seek to uphold standards of integrity, accountability, and excellence in their respective fields. Here’s a detailed explanation of their relationship, supported by scholarly resources.

1. Upholding Integrity

Both professional practices and scholarly ethics emphasize the importance of integrity. Integrity in professional practices ensures that professionals act in an honest and ethical manner, which builds trust with clients, colleagues, and the broader community. Similarly, scholarly ethics require researchers and academics to conduct and report research truthfully and accurately.

Supporting Resource:

  • According to Resnik (1998), integrity is a cornerstone of both scientific research and professional practice, fostering trust and credibility in both domains…

Professional practices and scholarly ethics are deeply intertwined, as both seek to uphold standards of integrity, accountability, and excellence in their respective fields. Here’s a detailed explanation of their relationship, supported by scholarly resources.

Supporting Resource:

  • According to Resnik (1998), integrity is a cornerstone of both scientific research and professional practice, fostering trust and credibility in both domains…


1. Upholding Integrity

Both professional practices and scholarly ethics emphasize the importance of integrity. Integrity in professional practices ensures that professionals act in an honest and ethical manner, which builds trust with clients, colleagues, and the broader community. Similarly, scholarly ethics require researchers and academics to conduct and report research truthfully and accurately.

Supporting Resource:

  • According to Resnik (1998), integrity is a cornerstone of both scientific research and professional practice, fostering trust and credibility in both domains…


1. Upholding Integrity

Both professional practices and scholarly ethics emphasize the importance of integrity. Integrity in professional practices ensures that professionals act in an honest and ethical manner, which builds trust with clients, colleagues, and the broader community. Similarly, scholarly ethics require researchers and academics to conduct and report research truthfully and accurately.

Supporting Resource:

  • According to Resnik (1998), integrity is a cornerstone of both scientific research and professional practice, fostering trust and credibility in both domains…