Supporting Bullied Teens

  • Drawing upon Kohlberg’s theory of stages of moral development, Gilligan’s theory of caring, and Erikson’s psychosocial stages theory, discuss reasons why an adolescent might turn to suicide.
  • Using one of these theories, suggest how to help a teen who has been a victim of bullying.


Supporting Bullied Teens

  • Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development:
    • According to Kohlberg, moral development progresses through stages, from a focus on obedience and avoiding punishment (Pre-conventional) to internalized ethical principles (Post-conventional). If an adolescent perceives themselves as constantly failing to meet societal or personal moral standards (e.g., due to academic pressure, conflict with peers or family), they may feel intense guilt or shame, leading to suicidal thoughts as a way to escape perceived failure or moral dilemmas.
  • Gilligan’s Theory of Caring:
    • Gilligan posited that females often prioritize caring and relationships over abstract moral principles. Adolescents who feel disconnected or unloved, or who face conflict in their relationships, may experience a profound sense of isolation or abandonment. This lack of caring relationships can lead to feelings of hopelessness and contribute to suicidal…
  • Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development:
    • According to Kohlberg, moral development progresses through stages, from a focus on obedience and avoiding punishment (Pre-conventional) to internalized ethical principles (Post-conventional). If an adolescent perceives themselves as constantly failing to meet societal or personal moral standards (e.g., due to academic pressure, conflict with peers or family), they may feel intense guilt or shame, leading to suicidal thoughts as a way to escape perceived failure or moral dilemmas.(Supporting Bullied Teens)
  • Gilligan’s Theory of Caring:
    • Gilligan posited that females often prioritize caring and relationships over abstract moral principles. Adolescents who feel disconnected or unloved, or who face conflict in their relationships, may experience a profound sense of isolation or abandonment. This lack of caring relationships can lead to feelings of hopelessness and contribute to suicidal…