Emerging Market Rugby

Imagine that you are the new media manager for an emerging market that World Rugby is approaching. Create a presentation to propose what you would do to use new media to market World Rugby to the local market.


Emerging Market Rugby

Slide 1: Title Slide

  • Title: Enhancing World Rugby’s Presence in [Emerging Market]
  • Your Name
  • Date

Slide 2: Introduction

  • Objective: Expand World Rugby’s reach and engagement in [Emerging Market].
  • Importance: Emerging markets offer growth opportunities and new fan bases.

Slide 3: Market Analysis

  • Overview of [Emerging Market]:
    • Demographics (age, gender, interests)
    • Sports culture and preferences
    • Current rugby awareness and participation levels

Slide 4: New Media Landscape

  • Digital Penetration:
    • Internet and social media usage statistics
    • Mobile device penetration…

Slide 1: Title Slide

  • Title: Enhancing World Rugby’s Presence in [Emerging Market]
  • Your Name
  • Date

Slide 2: Introduction

  • Objective: Expand World Rugby’s reach and engagement in [Emerging Market].
  • Importance: Emerging markets offer growth opportunities and new fan bases.

Slide 3: Market Analysis

  • Overview of [Emerging Market]:
    • Demographics (age, gender, interests)
    • Sports culture and preferences
    • Current rugby awareness and participation levels

Slide 4: New Media Landscape

  • Digital Penetration:
    • Internet and social media usage statistics
    • Mobile device penetration…

Slide 1: Title Slide

  • Title: Enhancing World Rugby’s Presence in [Emerging Market]
  • Your Name
  • Date

Slide 2: Introduction

  • Objective: Expand World Rugby’s reach and engagement in [Emerging Market].
  • Importance: Emerging markets offer growth opportunities and new fan bases.

Slide 3: Market Analysis

  • Overview of [Emerging Market]:
    • Demographics (age, gender, interests)
    • Sports culture and preferences
    • Current rugby awareness and participation levels

Slide 4: New Media Landscape

  • Digital Penetration:
    • Internet and social media usage statistics
    • Mobile device penetration…

Slide 1: Title Slide

  • Title: Enhancing World Rugby’s Presence in [Emerging Market]
  • Your Name
  • Date

Slide 2: Introduction

  • Objective: Expand World Rugby’s reach and engagement in [Emerging Market].
  • Importance: Emerging markets offer growth opportunities and new fan bases.

Slide 3: Market Analysis

  • Overview of [Emerging Market]:
    • Demographics (age, gender, interests)
    • Sports culture and preferences
    • Current rugby awareness and participation levels

Slide 4: New Media Landscape

  • Digital Penetration:
    • Internet and social media usage statistics
    • Mobile device penetration…