Evidence-Based Scholarly Writing

Where can you find evidence to inform your thoughts and scholarly writing? Throughout your degree program, you will use research literature to explore ideas, guide your thinking, and gain new insights. Discuss


Evidence-Based Scholarly Writing

Throughout your degree program, you can find evidence to inform your thoughts and scholarly writing from various sources within the research literature. Here are key places where you can seek evidence:

  1. Academic Journals: Peer-reviewed journals in your field of study are primary sources of scholarly research. They publish original research studies, literature reviews, theoretical articles, and meta-analyses that contribute to the body of knowledge in your discipline.
  2. Books and Monographs: Books written by experts in your field provide comprehensive coverage of specific topics. They can offer in-depth analyses, historical context, theoretical frameworks, and case studies that support your scholarly writing.
  3. Conference Proceedings: Proceedings from academic conferences often contain cutting-edge research presented by scholars and researchers. They can provide insights into emerging trends, methodologies, and experimental…

Throughout your degree program, you can find evidence to inform your thoughts and scholarly writing from various sources within the research literature. Here are key places where you can seek evidence:

  1. Academic Journals: Peer-reviewed journals in your field of study are primary sources of scholarly research. They publish original research studies, literature reviews, theoretical articles, and meta-analyses that contribute to the body of knowledge in your discipline.
  2. Books and Monographs: Books written by experts in your field provide comprehensive coverage of specific topics. They can offer in-depth analyses, historical context, theoretical frameworks, and case studies that support your scholarly writing.
  3. Conference Proceedings: Proceedings from academic conferences often contain cutting-edge research presented by scholars and researchers. They can provide insights into emerging trends, methodologies, and experimental…

Throughout your degree program, you can find evidence to inform your thoughts and scholarly writing from various sources within the research literature. Here are key places where you can seek evidence:

  1. Academic Journals: Peer-reviewed journals in your field of study are primary sources of scholarly research. They publish original research studies, literature reviews, theoretical articles, and meta-analyses that contribute to the body of knowledge in your discipline. (Evidence-Based Scholarly Writing)
  2. Conference Proceedings: Proceedings from academic conferences often contain cutting-edge research presented by scholars and researchers. They can provide insights into emerging trends, methodologies, and experimental…