Ethical Long-Term Care

Apply management theory, concepts, and models to examine ethical best practices in long-term care administration and to foster performance excellence.


Ethical Long-Term Care

Applying management theory, concepts, and models to long-term care (LTC) administration can significantly enhance ethical best practices and foster performance excellence. Here’s an examination through various management frameworks:

1. Transformational Leadership Theory


Transformational leadership focuses on inspiring and motivating employees to exceed expectations through a shared vision and strong relationships. In LTC administration, this leadership style can enhance ethical practices and performance by fostering a culture of care and continuous improvement.

Ethical Best Practices:

  • Vision and Values: Develop and communicate a clear vision and core values that emphasize ethical care and patient dignity.
  • Employee Empowerment: Encourage staff to take initiative and provide input on ethical issues and care improvements.
  • Recognition and Support: Regularly recognize and reward ethical behavior and high performance among staff, providing necessary support…

Applying management theory, concepts, and models to long-term care (LTC) administration can significantly enhance ethical best practices and foster performance excellence. Here’s an examination through various management frameworks:

Ethical Best Practices:

  • Vision and Values: Develop and communicate a clear vision and core values that emphasize ethical care and patient dignity.
  • Employee Empowerment: Encourage staff to take initiative and provide input on ethical issues and care improvements.
  • Recognition and Support: Regularly recognize and reward ethical behavior and high performance among staff, providing necessary support…

Applying management theory, concepts, and models to long-term care (LTC) administration can significantly enhance ethical best practices and foster performance excellence. Here’s an examination through various management frameworks:

1. Transformational Leadership Theory


Transformational leadership focuses on inspiring and motivating employees to exceed expectations through a shared vision and strong relationships. In LTC administration, this leadership style can enhance ethical practices and performance by fostering a culture of care and continuous improvement.

Ethical Best Practices:

  • Vision and Values: Develop and communicate a clear vision and core values that emphasize ethical care and patient dignity.
  • Employee Empowerment: Encourage staff to take initiative and provide input on ethical issues and care improvements.
  • Recognition and Support: Regularly recognize and reward ethical behavior and high performance among staff, providing necessary support…