Development Theories Contrasted

What are the major differences between the Modernization theories on global stratification and the World Systems/Dependency Theories on global inequalities?


Development Theories Contrasted

  • Development Path:
    • Linear Progression: Modernization theories posit that all countries progress through a similar sequence of stages from traditional to modern states, often modeled after Western countries.
    • Internal Factors: Emphasis is placed on internal factors such as cultural values, political stability, economic policies, and education that contribute to development.
  • Cultural Emphasis:
    • Cultural Change: The shift from traditional to modern values and behaviors is seen as crucial for economic development.
    • Westernization: Adoption of Western practices, technologies, and institutional frameworks is often recommended as a path to modernization.
  • Role of Technology and Innovation:
    • Technological Advancement: Technological innovation and industrialization are seen as key drivers of economic growth and development.
    • Education and Skill Development: Investing in education and developing human capital are considered essential…
  • Development Path:
    • Linear Progression: Modernization theories posit that all countries progress through a similar sequence of stages from traditional to modern states, often modeled after Western countries.
    • Internal Factors: Emphasis is placed on internal factors such as cultural values, political stability, economic policies, and education that contribute to development.
  • Cultural Emphasis:
    • Cultural Change: The shift from traditional to modern values and behaviors is seen as crucial for economic development.
    • Westernization: Adoption of Western practices, technologies, and institutional frameworks is often recommended as a path to modernization.
  • Role of Technology and Innovation:
    • Technological Advancement: Technological innovation and industrialization are seen as key drivers of economic growth and development.
    • Education and Skill Development: Investing in education and developing human capital are considered essential…
  • Development Path:
    • Linear Progression: Modernization theories posit that all countries progress through a similar sequence of stages from traditional to modern states, often modeled after Western countries.
    • Internal Factors: Emphasis is placed on internal factors such as cultural values, political stability, economic policies, and education that contribute to development.
  • Cultural Emphasis:
    • Cultural Change: The shift from traditional to modern values and behaviors is seen as crucial for economic development.
    • Westernization: Adoption of Western practices, technologies, and institutional frameworks is often recommended as a path to modernization.
  • Role of Technology and Innovation:
    • Technological Advancement: Technological innovation and industrialization are seen as key drivers of economic growth and development.(Development Theories Contrasted)
    • Education and Skill Development: Investing in education and developing human capital are considered essential…