EBM, PCC, and Rationing

Might this change the claims to provide optimal medical outcomes based on scientific evidence? Is Evidence Based Medicine and Patient Center Care compatible? On a different note, is Evidence Based Medicine a method of rationing? Disscuss


EBM, PCC, and Rationing

Compatibility of Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) and Patient-Centered Care (PCC)
  1. Optimal Medical Outcomes: EBM aims to provide optimal medical outcomes by integrating the best available evidence with clinical expertise and patient values. It emphasizes the importance of tailoring treatment decisions to individual patient characteristics and preferences.
  2. Patient-Centered Care: PCC focuses on meeting patients’ needs and preferences, fostering shared decision-making, and considering patients as partners in their healthcare. It emphasizes communication, empathy, and respect for patients’ autonomy.


  • Common Goals: Both EBM and PCC share the goal of improving patient outcomes and experiences. They recognize the importance of considering patients’ values and preferences in medical decision-making.
  • Complementary Approaches: While EBM provides the scientific foundation for clinical decision-making, PCC emphasizes the humanistic aspects of care. Together, they offer a comprehensive approach that combines scientific…
Compatibility of Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) and Patient-Centered Care (PCC)
  1. Optimal Medical Outcomes: EBM aims to provide optimal medical outcomes by integrating the best available evidence with clinical expertise and patient values. It emphasizes the importance of tailoring treatment decisions to individual patient characteristics and preferences.
  2. Patient-Centered Care: PCC focuses on meeting patients’ needs and preferences, fostering shared decision-making, and considering patients as partners in their healthcare. It emphasizes communication, empathy, and respect for patients’ autonomy.


  • Common Goals: Both EBM and PCC share the goal of improving patient outcomes and experiences. They recognize the importance of considering patients’ values and preferences in medical decision-making. (EBM, PCC, and Rationing)
  • Complementary Approaches: While EBM provides the scientific foundation for clinical decision-making, PCC emphasizes the humanistic aspects of care. Together, they offer a comprehensive approach that combines scientific…