Senior Discount Calculation

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Branches are common programming constructs in programming applications. Explain how you would create a branching construct to calculate a 20% discounted hotel rate for guests who are 65 years and older. Include the necessary code descriptions.


Senior Discount Calculation

Creating a branching construct to calculate a 20% discounted hotel rate for guests who are 65 years and older can be explained conceptually without using code. The process involves using a conditional statement, which checks if a certain condition (in this case, the guest’s age) is met. Here’s how you would approach it:

  1. Identify the Input Parameters:
    • You need two key pieces of information: the guest’s age and the original hotel rate.
  2. Set the Condition:
    • Establish the criterion for applying the discount. In this scenario, the condition is that the guest must be 65 years or older. (Senior Discount Calculation)
  3. Calculate the Discounted Rate:
    • If the guest meets the age requirement (65 or older), calculate the discounted rate by applying a 20% discount to the original rate. This means the discounted rate would be 80% of the original rate.
  4. Output the Result:
    • If the guest does not meet the age requirement, the original rate…

Creating a branching construct to calculate a 20% discounted hotel rate for guests who are 65 years and older can be explained conceptually without using code. The process involves using a conditional statement, which checks if a certain condition (in this case, the guest’s age) is met. Here’s how you would approach it:

  1. Identify the Input Parameters:
    • You need two key pieces of information: the guest’s age and the original hotel rate.
  2. Set the Condition:
    • Establish the criterion for applying the discount. In this scenario, the condition is that the guest must be 65 years or older.
  3. Calculate the Discounted Rate:
    • If the guest meets the age requirement (65 or older), calculate the discounted rate by applying a 20% discount to the original rate. This means the discounted rate would be 80% of the original rate.
  4. Output the Result:
    • If the guest does not meet the age requirement, the original rate…