Nursing Ethics Dilemma

  • Describe a fictional ethical dilemma or a dilemma you have encountered in your nursing practice.
  • Identify the key stakeholders.
  • Describe how the situation impacts the key stakeholders.


Nursing Ethics Dilemma

Ethical Dilemma Description:

Imagine a scenario where a nurse working in a hospital encounters a situation where a patient’s family member, who is also a close friend, asks about the patient’s medical condition. The patient has requested that their medical information be kept confidential from certain family members due to strained relationships. The nurse is torn between respecting the patient’s autonomy and maintaining honesty and trust in their relationship with the friend.

Key Stakeholders:
  1. Patient: The central stakeholder whose autonomy and confidentiality rights must be respected. The patient’s wishes regarding the disclosure of medical information are paramount.
  2. Family Member (Friend): The friend…
Ethical Dilemma Description:

Imagine a scenario where a nurse working in a hospital encounters a situation where a patient’s family member, who is also a close friend, asks about the patient’s medical condition. The patient has requested that their medical information be kept confidential from certain family members due to strained relationships. The nurse is torn between respecting the patient’s autonomy and maintaining honesty and trust in their relationship with the friend.

Key Stakeholders:
  1. Patient: The central stakeholder whose autonomy and confidentiality rights must be respected. The patient’s wishes regarding the disclosure of medical information are paramount.
  2. Family Member (Friend): The friend…
Ethical Dilemma Description:

Imagine a scenario where a nurse working in a hospital encounters a situation where a patient’s family member, who is also a close friend, asks about the patient’s medical condition. The patient has requested that their medical information be kept confidential from certain family members due to strained relationships. The nurse is torn between respecting the patient’s autonomy and maintaining honesty and trust in their relationship with the friend. Nursing Ethics Dilemma

Key Stakeholders:
  1. Patient: The central stakeholder whose autonomy and confidentiality rights must be respected. The patient’s wishes regarding the disclosure of medical information are paramount.
  2. Family Member (Friend): The friend…