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Monthly Archives: May 2024

Medical Genetics

Medical Genetics Final Essay (200 points) Instructor approval.  Please email me with your topic and I will approve or suggest how to expand/ focus your topic of interest. (10 points) The topic must be related to medical genetics. (20 points)…

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Data Management

Data Management is an emerging specialization in HIT/HIM profession. Describe the role duties and through examples demonstrate the leadership skills needed to impact in the 21st Century. Data Management is a critical specialization within the Health Information Technology/Health Information Management…

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Healthcare Network Security

Bacterial Pneumonia

Using your understanding of the structural differences between Gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, answer the following question: You have been diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia caused by streptococcus pneumoniae . Are you dealing with a Gram-negative or Gram-positive microorganism?  In the doctors…

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Incorporating Policy Advocacy

Incorporating Policy Advocacy Explain the steps you might take to incorporate policy advocacy in your practice and/or community based on insights, experiences and/or opinions formed in this course. Explain how you think social workers can have a powerful and positive…

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Healthcare Network Security

Immigrant to the United States

Our immigration policy applies to every potential immigrant to the United States. But war, famine, and other global issues are not currently considered in quotas. Identify the implications, then comment on how various populations affected by your policy might be…

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Nursing informatics

Nursing informatics Explain what competencies are most important and beneficial for your success as a leader in your practice. Be specific and provide examples. •    Appraise the leadership strategies addressed in Informatics Leadership Standard 12 that you might employ to establish…

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