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Monthly Archives: May 2024

Healthcare Network Security

Health Care Facility Goals

Health Care Facility Goals What is the importance of creating strong mission and vision statements for health care organizations? Provide examples. Research and select a health care facility or organization of your choice (hospitals, clinics, health care manufacturers, insurance) to…

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Remote Patient Monitoring

Remote Patient Monitoring 1-How can APRNs utilize telemedicine platforms and remote monitoring technologies to remotely access patients’ medication adherence, therapeutic responses, and potential adverse effects? 2-How does remote patient monitoring impact the delivery of pharmacological interventions and a PRN practice?…

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Media and Youth Violence

Poorly Controlled Diabetes

A 44-year-old female, TW, with a history of poorly controlled diabetes was admitted today with symptoms of increased urinary frequency/urgency and a fever. Upon initial examination, she complained of flank pain. Vital signs during the initial examination were unremarkable, except…

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Gender Socialization

Write a 500 or more word paper about the three main institutions in gender socialization, family, school, and the media. In your paper also: Describe how these institutions affect gender-socialization. Be sure to include contemporary issues and terminology from our…

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Healthcare Network Security

The future of Pharmacy

The future of Pharmacy Search the Internet and compare & contrast the forecasted view of the traditional pharmacy:  Futuristic vs. Retail Pharmacy Speak to: a)  use and new technologies b)  forecast/analytics c)  impact on people systems and processes Word-count: 250…

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Healthcare organizations

Healthcare organizations continually seek to optimize healthcare performance. For years, this approach was a three-pronged one known as the Triple Aim, with efforts focused on improved population health, enhanced patient experience, and lower healthcare costs. More recently, this approach has…

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Hostage Situation

In this segment of your case study, you are to set out the specific steps that should have been taken in your specific case. Prepare your assignment using any applicable chapters to this point, as well as potential future chapters…

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Person’s overall Health

Nutrition plays a vital role in a person’s overall health and well-being. Not getting enough of the recommended nutrients over the long term can lead to malnutrition which often results in disease and illness. In a 3-page paper, written in…

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