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Daily Archives: March 25, 2024

Media and Youth Violence

Importance of Critical Thinking

Importance of Critical Thinking – Why is critical thinking the necessary approach when presented with a problem? APA Importance of Critical Thinking – Critical thinking is essential when presented with a problem because it allows individuals to analyze, evaluate, and…

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Media and Youth Violence

Cybersecurity Best Practices

Cybersecurity Best Practices 1) Briefly describe the major technology-related threats, risks, and challenges to protecting data. What are the major threats and risks? 2) The   “dark web” is big business. What is the “dark web”? What threats does it pose…

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Media and Youth Violence

Cognitive Stress Management

The role of perception in stress management, the various cognitive techniques that help overcome distorted thinking as well as Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. Which of these various techniques seems most useful to you? APA Cognitive Stress Management – Perception plays…

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Media and Youth Violence

Crisis Management Failure

Crisis Management Failure – The success of any organization rests firmly on its reputation, especially during times of crisis. Investigate an unsuccessful examples of crisis management such as Ford, Exxon, BP, Japan’s nuclear reactors, Toyota, RIM (Research in Motion) or…

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Media and Youth Violence

Math anxiety

Math anxiety, simply defined, involves an anxiety about one’s ability to do math. As a math teacher, you will encounter many students who struggle with math, not necessarily because they don’t understand a specific concept but because they don’t have…

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