Policy analysis examines, evaluates, and recognizes potential policy options that could solve a problem and then compares the options to select the most appropriate, feasible, and efficient one.

Policy Analysis

Program evaluation is carried out when the policy is unchangeable or unfixed. Policy analysis takes more time than program evaluation. Program  Evaluation involves flashing back, so that forward movement is steered. It entails monitoring, grading, and systematizing government actions, their execution so complex, and their probable impacts. The public policy fits in program evaluation since it involves identifying a problem executed in program evaluation. Program evaluation is the careful, reflective valuation of advantages and value of the administration, production, and consequence of government involvements, which purpose to take part in future practical action situations.


Problem structuring is the use of systematic procedures besides solving ill-structured or ill-defined issues. The essentials for solving well-structured problems are not similar to those for solving ill-structured problems. To solve ill-structured problems, the analysis takes a conscious and active part in defining the nature of the issue. Analysts must exercise reflective judgment in structuring the problem and impose part of themselves on the issue. Problem-solving image shows that the role of the policy starts with self-evident and articulated problems. Policy analysis has procedures for recognizing and structuring problems; it entails problem structuring to interpret the signs of stress in the system.

Problem structuring is important in improving the informational contents of the problem. (Dunn,2018)Information about policy problems has a significant role in policy analysis since how a problem is structured governs the identification of solutions.

Inadequate or faulty information may cause serious errors.

Policy solutions solve structured policy problems. Identifying a wrong problem may lead to a false solution; thus, the administration may not solve the problem.


Dunn, B. W. (2018). Problem structuring in public policy analysis. no1983, 1-33.