Epidemiology of Infectious diseases

Infectious diseases are ailments caused by pathogens such as bacteria, fungi, parasites, and fungi that enter the body. In contrast, emerging infectious diseases are illnesses that have recently appeared within a population or those whose geographic range or prevalence is speedily increasing or have the potential to increase soon. They are mostly caused by familiar pathogens that have moved to new locations or even previously undetected or unknown pathogens. We see emerging diseases because of the increasing population and global climate change. The rise in human populations into new geographical zones leads to increased human contact with animals that are potential hosts of the infectious agent. Climate change, for instance, in warm climates interferes with animal habitats, and diseases spread into the new geographical zones. Warm temperatures favor mosquitoes and the diseases they transmit.

Epidemiology of Infectious diseases

A dense population increases the spread of emerging diseases because it leads to overcrowding, often associated with poor quality living conditions and sanitation. Overcrowded areas serve as breeding areas for pathogens and disease vectors, especially in the cases of bacteria and viruses. For instance, Covid-19 is a contagious disease and is a worldwide concern; individuals in highly populated areas have a high possibility of getting into close contact, and any communicable illness is expected to spread faster in dense regions (Bhadra,2021).

The study of the epidemiology of infectious diseases was of great impact. It helped me learn the control and preventive measures and how to limit their spread in the community and their complications. It is crucial to comprehend the causes, determinants, and situations that lead to the disease to prevent infectious diseases. Second, the chapter helped me understand the impact of a high population on the spread of infectious diseases. For instance, the shift towards an increase in the human population risks the spread of infectious diseases.

References APA

Bhadra, A., Mukherjee, A., & Sarkar, K. (2021). Impact of population density on Covid-19 infected and mortality rate in India. Modeling earth systems and environment7(1), 623-629.